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I´ve been a fan of David Bowie ever since I was a child and the other day I decided that it was high time to put his face on a dress.

The face of Ziggy Stardust is perfect for textile creations.

I had an old wrap dress that my sister gave me ages ago. It really looked very boring so it was time to embellish it! The decollelé used to be in the front but I turned it the other way round so it had the v-neckline in the back.

I found myself some odd fabric scraps and started to play.

I did some trial and error with paper and scissors. Finally I found a perfect face suitable for David Bowie.

The pink face fabric used to be a dressing gown and the orange fabric is from a worn out hoodie. The blue flash also used to be a hoodie. The lips of Ziggy Stardust comes from a pink, tiny pencil skirt that I used to wear ages ago. So the textiles in the face comes from many different sources..

I used scoth tape to hold the fabric in place. I normally like to work with the double sided adhesive interfacing, but this time it felt smother to work with scotch tape.

It was really pure pleasure to make the face of Ziggy Stardust and I really like the new dress.

Soon I am going to put antoher face on some worn out clothes. I wonder who? Have you got any suggestions? What face would you like to wear on your clothes?


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