Today we will focus on something really exciting - socks! And not just any socks - but upcycled, transformed socks. Socks that have gone from being an ordinary, simple sock to becoming a fantastic creation, an elegant suit or a cute dress.

In the 1940s, in the middle of a burning war, when there was a rationing of basically everything, the swedish magazine Husmodern organized a sock competition. From worn-out old socks, you were supposed to create something completely new. The competition entries that came in were many and the material ranged from old wool socks to silk stockings. First prize went to Miss Edith Petterson from Sollefteå who made an absolutely fantastic silk dress.

Could you believe that this dress is made out of old socks?!?
Miss Edith has thus sat there in the town Sollefteå in the north of Sweden where she unraveled old socks, from both of wool and silk. From this she woved a 4.5 meter long fabric from which she sewed the dress. I'm soooo impressed! How did she behave? Where did she find her patience? She must have been an absolutely outstanding woman!

Second prize in the sock competition went to this fantastic children's dress. Absolutely fantastic work! Smock, wrinkled arm, worked collar. And this dress have once been socks! So impressive! I do not have the name of the person who created this masterpiece, but I will do my best to try to find out.

The second runner up is this fabulous boy costume. I have seldom seen anything more cute: braces and a cute little round collar. And everything from socks!!! It's sooooo impressive!!!
Can you imagine, they sat there and unraveled old socks and dreamed of winning the sock competition and at the same time a world war was going on not far from them. Sock competitions like these could certainly help many to keep their spirits up during difficult times.
Recycling was a necessity in the forties when the borders were closed and it was difficult to get new material to make clothes from.
Do you dare to take on the challenge of creating something new from old socks? I actually have a pair of old tights that I will try to do something with. Well, I can at least try but I doubt that I have the patience......