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As the mother of two teenage sons I have the chance to inherit a lot of grown out clothes. Perfect for my passion of upcycling!

This blue hoodie has been well used. First it was worn by my oldest son, then my youngest son wore it and then, when it was out-grown and well used, it was my turn, but I decided to turn the hoodie into a skirt instead.

It is both fun and easy to turn a hoodie into a skirt. Just follow the steps below and you will soon have a new favourite skirt.

First you have to decide how long you want your skirt to be. Measure the lenght and then draw a line with a tailor´s chalk.

Cut on the drawn line and also cut away the sleeves. Be careful when you cut the zipper. Do not throw away the left-over fabrics, there are plenty of things you can use them for.

Try on your new skirt and measure how much you have to cut away to make it suitable vor your body.

Pin the sides of the skirt and sew the parts together.

Fold the hem 1 cm and then sew it using a twin needle.

If you want to, you can decorate your skirt. I hade some nasty oil-spots on my skirt but I hid it under some buttons. As I love buttons I put a lot of them on my skirt....

Voila, the skirt is ready to rock!


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