The other day I looked through some old, swedish magazines and I found some really interesting reading:
When we were in the middle of a burning war in the forties, it was great to have access to a pair of used underwear. Because from a pair of worn-out underwear, you could sew a cute little cozy suit for children: a pair of trousers and a small tank top. If the underpants were too thin and overused, you would not despair , then it was just to sew with double underpants!

We can laugh at this today but once it was bloody serious, as there were not enough access to new, virgin material , we had to use old underpants!
I love textile recycling and I absolutely think we should reuse as much as we can but to sew childrens clothes from old, overused underpants doesn´t sound very tempting.
But if I give it a secong thought; the clothes mead from the underwear looks nice in the pictures. The fabric was probably very soft and comfortable and the mother, because I do guess it was a mother who made it, was undeniably a good seamstress. Still it feels a like a little too much to have to use old underwear. Or what do you think? Am I overreacting?

This photo say s that Mrs. Lindblom made a nice coat with a hat for her daughter from an old dress! The result is absolutely striking!

And here it is Mrs. Elsa Janson from the swedish village Brunsta, who made this nice play skirt for her daughter out of her husband's discarded old sweater. Cute, isn´t it?

Do you have an old wedding dress that collects dust in the closet? Do not despair, follow this housewife's tip and sew it into a christening dress instead!

And if you do have some nice pieces of fabric, the magazine "Husmodern" (Housewife) suggest that you make some new home and kitchen wear!
What do you think about this delightful "kitchen-blouse"? As they write in the magazie: "It is perfect for the self-sufficient woman! It is especially suitable when you come home and want to change your office suit for something more tender and happier!"
I think I will try to make myself a kitchen-blouse. Maybe it will make me feel even more Self-sufficient..... Maybe I will become a real superwoman with a new kitchen-blouse! Have to give it a try!