Today, the 30th of July, is the World Embroidery Day. A day to celebrate!

The World Embroidery Day started in a little town in the south of Sweden, not far from where I live. The first World Embroidery Day took place the 30th of July 2011. Their Manifsto states: “The importance of embroidery must be made known and World Embroidery Day will spread around the world. Make 30th July a day filled with creativity for the sake of Peace, Freedom and Equality.” You can read the whole manifesto here...

When I do embroidery it´s very often without any plans. For me it is total relaxation. I do it to relax and calm down. Often I do it in front of the television or when I listen to an audio book.

Usually I don´t really know what to do with the embroidery once it´s finished. I keep them in my drawers and cupboards until I find a suitable place for them. The shrimp and the flamingo on the above photo stayed in my drawers for several months until I found a place for them in my new bag.

To sew and to relax at the same time - in Sweden we have a word for it; Broditera. I guess we could translate it to embroiditate. Like a mix of embroidery and meditation. To embroider and to meditate at the same time - embroiditate... It's a beautiful word, isn't it? No stress, no preasure, just pleasure - embroiditate!

The world embroidery day is a perfect day to embroiditate! In the manifesto of the World embroidery day you can read that this day is a day of Peace and as a gift of Peace I offer you this emboridery pattern.

The Peace sign is funny and easy to create with cross stitch.
I have put my Peace sign on a pair of jeans. Embroidery is perfect for upcycling!

Take care and enjoy The World Embroidery Day!