Everything deserves a second chance, even your worn out clothes...
The world is full of abandoned clothes, hanging in the corners of dark wardrobes, waiting to get another life, a second chance, longing to be transformed into new creations...
Trashion Pattern focus on sewing patterns specially developed for textile upcycling and redesign. You will find that our sewing patterns are smaller, tinier and have more parts than "normal" and "ordinary" sewing patterns, this is because our patterns are created to be used on clothes; Already sewn clothes. Clothes that you don´t wear anymore because they are too small, or too outdated, or too boring, or too worn out, or whatever.... Take a look at "The story of Adrian´s jacket" to see the process:

Adrian once had a jacket with a matching pair of pants.

The jacket became to small and worn out but instead of throwing it away we found some other used clothes to mix and match.

We put the patterns from TrashionPatterns on the parts of the jacket that were still in good shape.

Time to sew! The jacket will soon transform into a new creation.